The story about a wife (Si Ulubalang Soba) Returned a pride to her family (Situmorang Lumban Nahor) by sacrificing herself.
Samosir Island in the vein, Mr. Boru Manurung Sipallat with his wife alive. Mr. Sipalllat bserdiam in banjar Suhut Ni Huta.
Once war broke out with the clan. Mr. Sipallat invites sixth brother to the war, but was rejected. Finally Mr. Sipallat leave the war alone, he lost his head and planted a stone staircase chieftain winner. Shortly after the defeat of the entire clan Situmorang shame for the second time. Because Si Boru Sodahali cage (the wife of Mr. Sipallat) married her husband decapitate the head of a tribe. The whole village chiefs confer to redeem their honor at the right time and set the cage Si Boru Sodahali as a disgrace to be killed.
Si Boru Sodahali cages daily to weave and create a beautiful ulos, one night invited Si Boru cages Sodahali her second husband to sleep in her lap, enjoying the moon and caress her hand. The head of the tribe slept, his wife said: “Honey, have you tidurkah. So tired so no time to chat with me!! “. Wiping her husband’s hair, Si Boru cages Sodahali mengambilo something from under the mat. Banjar lonely he raised his sword, lightning memacung her husband’s neck. Head apart, blood soaked and floor mats. Si Boru Sodahali cage stood up and took the life of the crate ulos ragi heritage. He fell down from her first husband to dig the skull embedded in the stone foundation of the house stairs.
As I say a prayer that he wrapped the skull in ulos. Si Boru Sodahali Cage returned home her second husband’s head wrapped in a mat. Si Boru Sodahali Cage stepped out and entered the village of Banjar Suhut Ni Huta, where the clan who gave the curse to him. Arriving in Suhut Ni Huta he knocked on the castle gate guards awoke and was shocked: “how could you dare show your face lancing in this place, hag!! Not it enough you prostituting yourself! And cause embarrassment to us! Get out before we kill you, even if indigenous prohibits war?
Si Boru Sodahali cage calmly all the curses, the tears he bercucur menjwab: “I came to bring something to you”
“We do not need anything from you, wait in time we will come to take what we need, your head and your husband’s head”
The cages Sodahali Boru said: “I am just a woman, open the gate, let me go. I brought something to my katakana is too important to you, it’s up to me what to do with. I am about to meet with clan elders. I only own and will not leave before the gates opened. ”
The guard wakes the elders, they negotiate, they agreed to allow Si Boru Sodahali cages inside. The indigenous house cages Sodahali Boru said: “This night I brought home again fathers, who happen to pay off debts to the inner law of all.” He let go of her arms and skull showed kemudiansuami first husband and both of them. The elder was silent and could not say anything “really convincing devotion setiamu. You redeem our honor to honor. Say what you want us to do. ”
Si Boru Sodahali Cage: “I somehow did not deserve forgiveness, there’s just my request. For the life of the ancestors-by law-I asked for the man who in the baby received by the clan. In order for peace and vengeance my heart forever erase hatred.
Indigenous elders say: “Forgive us! Ye actually minded male commanders, guiding clan. From this moment kedudukanmu recovered in the clan and will be our children in kandunganmu Peranakan as our own flesh and blood. ”
Si Boru cage Sodahali delivery boy named SI Marsaitan (later his descendants became Situmorang Suhut Ni Huta). And Si Boru Sodahali Cage noted as the great ancestor, with the title Si Ulubalang Soba, occupies the position of the gods who participated in the fate of the Middle Continent forever.
Situmorang a whole consists of seven siblings Situmorang Lumban Pande, Situmorang Lumban Nahor, Situmorang Suhut Ni Huta, Mr. Ringo, Sitohang Uruk, Sitohang Tonga-tonga and Sitohan Toruan.
Source: Sitor Situmorang 45th literati poet lake toba (Pen: Rays of hope 1981)
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